
Saturday 31 August 2013

Week 1 results

So week 1 is over and to be honest Ive been pretty bad at following anything this week. Ive sort of been doing slimfast a fair amount of the time but with parties and bbq and generally feeling very hungry its all gone a bit to pot. I havent been keeping up the ketones either very well so all in all not a great week.

But despite all that ive lost almost 2 pounds since last saturday (my scales are a little to accurate for my liking showing up to quarter pounds etc but it was close) so i guess it wasnt all that bad.

Not quite the kick start and boost i was hoping for but i just gotta keep going and start again this week!

Im starting to think more about exercise as i think really that is going to be the key and i certainly need to regain my fitness levels. I have signed up to start a beginners ballet class in a couple of weeks which I am really excited about! Will tell you all a bit more about that when it actually starts :)

Im also looking at this "30 day shred" that everyone keeps going on about. Is it really that good? Will it kickstart my fitness at least? who knows. Will do a bit of research into it and then decide if im going to try it out!

Thursday 29 August 2013

BBQ, Babies and Raspberry Ketones

So i decided to start with a full frontal attack in the hope that a quick burst of weight loss will give me the pick me up i need right now. Although my long term plan is healthy diet and more exercise, for this week i am slim fasting and trying a new thing a friend told me about called "raspberry ketones". A natural supplement that supposedly boosts your fat burning, worth a try i think!

So slimfast morning and lunch, fruit or other healthy snacks like yoghurt in between and some nice home cooked and hopefully healthy meals for dinner. Except monday when we were invited to a BBQ for the sunny bank holiday afternoon/eve, where much meat and some lambrini was consumed. Oh well. And yesterday i held a baby shower for a couple of close friends (one due very soon!) where there was cake, and scones and food a plenty! Although I was actually quite good when it came to cake, scones and quiche were my downfall >.<

That and forgetting to actually take the ketones for a few days this week hasnt been the bests start i was hoping for, but its a start and i gotta just keep trying.

As dori says..just keep swimming, just keep swimming.....actually that wouldnt be a bad idea...

The Beginning

3 months ago I had my second baby. It wasn't an easy time and some major complications left me quite poorly afterwards. Finally I feel well enough to start working on getting back to me again. On Saturday i finally bought some scales to assess the extend of the "damage" i had to contend with and I was shocked and saddened with the results :(

15 and a half stone

The heaviest i have ever been! A stone more than pre this pregnancy and I was unhappy then.

I have struggled with my weight and appearance for many years but always knew I would have another baby and just didn't see the point of loosing weight and working hard when it would only be ruined later. Well now I am done with the babies its time to really sort myself out. No more excuses.

So i have made this blog. A kick up the bum in public to keep me going and a way to track my progress and experiments.

So this is me, mum of two wonderful little girls, ready to be me again. My aim is 10 perfect stone (lol) so five and a half to loose.

Wish me Luck x