
Saturday 28 June 2014

30 Day Shred

So this week I have been back on the raspberry ketones and various vitamins/supplements etc and finally seeing some pounds coming off again! Hopefully it will continue.

Also a friend mentioned this workout they had started called the 30 Day Shred, and after finding you could buy the dvd from tesco for a fiver including free delivery i thought what do i have to loose! (well a fiver i guess but not much in the grand scheme of things!) Today it arrived and I have dived straight in with day 1 tonight. I did ok, couldn't quite keep up but then i guess that's the point to train you up, and then once you've got one bit down there's two more levels to work through. 20mins every day for 30 days.

Wish me luck ;)

Tuesday 24 June 2014

Clean Eating

So I've been looking into clean eating as a way of changing my (and my families) eating habits for the better. It really worries me the amount of chemicals and toxins in our food today and what I am feeding to my two young girls. But for the most it is easier and cheaper to just put it to the back of my mind, like so many others.

But I really want to make a change and improve our well being.

So then there's clean eating which basically means eat things in there natural state sort of thing, look at the ingredients and reject anything that has stuff you cant pronounce in it! Or at least that's how I've understood it.

It is going to be a long, hard journey, i love cake, i love ice cream, I LOVE biscuits (ha) but then I can make my own with wholemeal ingredients and no nasties so I guess it's not all bad?

I've started us off easy, switched our bread from white to wholemeal (not just any brown you have to read the ingredients as some sneak white flour and stuff in!!) and flour is next, well i have bought it just need to use up the white we have.

Rice and Pasta will be the next changes and that is as far as I'm concerned the easy part done :)

Weight is pretty much staying the same at the moment which I guess is better than going up, but I could really do with even just a single pound coming off to keep me motivated. So I guess like I have said before....just keep swimming.

Wednesday 11 June 2014

Slimfast and milk testing

So I was all geared up to try this new (ok not so new but i hadnt heard of it before) product thats currently popular called Juice Plus. It looks good, a friend gave me a sample and it tastes good, but the downside is cost. Right now I just cant afford it (maybe next month?) so saturday i went and bought a tin of good ol' Slimfast to have a go at again in the mean time!

So far from starting sunday I have lost 1lb, which i think is pretty good considering the last month or so the weight has been (slowly) creeping again. I also havent been keeping up my pills and potions so no help from raspberry ketones etc. So all in all not bad and next week i plan to kick start all the supplements again too.

One other thing I have been trying this week is a new Milk on the market called A2. I do surveys and product testing for a company called Bzzagent that occasionally sends cool stuff to try out, and this time i got some vouchers to try this milk. It claims to help but cutting out a protein called A1 and leaving just A2 which is supposedly easier to digest. So i went out got my free milk to try and so far so good. Considering I am having half a litre a day with my shakes alone plus the odd cuppa or two I havent feel sick or yucky like I can be usually drinking too much milk based products. It tastes ok, slight difference from normal milk but i have a sensitive pallet and i soon got used to it anyway. I guess the true test will be switching back again in next couple of days when it runs out and seeing if there is a difference again, i shall let you know!

Anyway thats me at the moment, slimfasting away, starting up the ketones and vitamins and seeing how it all goes!

Sunday 8 June 2014

Not so Great

So i started the pill regime and it was going well, lost a couple of pounds without trying felt better etc ^^ then i got poorly (tonsillitis etc) and it all went wrong lol

its my own fault im terrible at taking meds at the best of times haha so any upset in routine is bound to send me askew :/

anyway ive started to get myself back on track again after weeks of feeling sorry for myself and under the weather time to pick things back up again. I have a pill box now to put all my potions in (why do omega 3 capsules have to be so huge?!?) And have picked up a tin of slimfast powder to kickstart things up again (hopefully)

so wish me luck!!