
Monday 23 September 2013

App we go

So ive just discovered there is an app I can use to write to this blog!

Wether this actually helps me post more often or not remains to be seen but worth a try I guess :)

Today has not been a good day I ate alot and slimfast iscreally not working because I actually really like it and crave more. Im starting to wonder whether I should pay attention to the ingrediants seeming how much I crave it :/

Not a great start

So its been a couple of weeks now and ive basically failed at any sort of attempt at dieting and thanks to some ongoing problems post birth I am no longer going to be taking dance classes for the time being :(

I have in total lost 6lbs so far but at least I am managing to stay at that for now! so could be worse i guess.

Still need to keep going still another half stone or so to get back to pre this pregnancy for a start let alone my long away goal.

So anyway I hope i manage to update a little more often and lets hope it gives me the motivation to really get working on this!

Friday 6 September 2013

i made a ticker

ok so maybe not the most exciting post but i made one of those little ticker things and i wanted to see if i could add it to this blog lol!

plus i think its nice to have a visual representation of your loss, so fly little butterfly and reach that flower!!