
Monday 28 April 2014

My Baby is almost 1!

Ok i'll admit it im not the best at updating, ive always been this way from right back when i had my first account on livejournal (back when you needed an invite to get in!) and i can keep promising to be better and download apps and what not but i am just me and i can only do what i can!

Anyway back to what this blog is about, weightloss or far more recently my lack of it. Although on a plus side im pretty much staying around the same weight with little to no effort on my part which can only be seen as a positive considering my love of baking and sweets!

However I am not happy, i havent been happy for a long time and the birth of my second daughter and accompanying gain has only exemplified this. So i made a promise to myself, i will not turn 30 hating the way I look. And with my 29th birthday in a couple of months time this gives me just over a year to achieve this.

A close friend of mine has helped me come up with a vitamin and mineral regeim which i have started this week, including a good multivitamin and omega 3 to boost my failing body, as well as my trustee ketones which did me well last year. To this i will be adding a couple of other natural pills which i shall update and feedback on as soon as i get them!

I also plan to start using the gym again, i used to love it and while fitting it in now with 2 sproglets wont be easy i think its what i need to do for me. Both physically and mentally.

Just realised Ive just written this whole post which no actual reference to the title! So yeah my littlest is almost 1yr old :o in a couple of weeks infact, Ive come a long way in my health and mental state since having her and am finally ready to take action! Time to get myself back again x